"Crunch" went the leaves under his foot. "Creak" went the bolts in the street sign above
him, as he walked to the bus stop on a cold and frosty morning. Alex wondered why there
was nobody at his bus stop. He stood proudly in his new shoes. When he remembered the
old shoe salesman's warning: "Never get these wet " he said suspiciously. Followed by a
creepy cough. A loud shatter woke him from his daydream. Alex looked behind him and saw
a trail of floating objects along where he had walked. Just then the bus pulled up. Alex didn't
know what to do, so on autopilot he got on the bus as usual. The driver put his foot on the
accelerator and the old rusty machine whirred to life. Alex could feel the bus heaters on the back of
his ankles as the rickety vehicle slowly floated up to the height of the tall fur trees then as the
bus descended the old man turned around and yelled in a deep voice " I told you not to
get those shoes wet " followed by a creepy cough.