Thursday, 24 July 2014


On Friday we are going to start learning about our Mihi - how to introduce yourself and your story in te reo Maori. Allana is a great ako teacher and so we are going to use her blog post to help us get started:

Te Reo: Mihi

Kia Ora, Allana and Waka Endeavour - we love ako learning!

Risk vs Hazard

Today we talked about Hazards verses Risk - What is a hazard? What is risk? We watched this video off youtube:

 After identifying some hazards (at school, at home or in the community) we placed them on a risk continuum (from low risk to high risk?)

What makes a hazard a risk you might ask? We decided you needed to ask two questions:

1. How likely is it to happen?
2. How bad are the consequences?

Here's our continuum.

Room 3 - comment on this post and tell me what were some of our hazard and were they low risk or high risk?

Monday, 21 July 2014


Click on each picture to make it bigger.

What are Hazards? on PhotoPeach


This term we are looking at geometric patterns. Today we reviewed flipping, turning and sliding shapes. Next we are going to see what we know about lines of symmetry, here's a video to get us thinking:

Here's a rap about symmetry too!

Sunday, 20 July 2014

Home Learning Term 3 - Crisis

Here is a copy of the Home Learning Sheet that will go home on Monday, outlining our Crisis inquiry this term. We are going to be looking at what is a crisis or disaster, as well as how to prepare for one. All of the home learning tasks are linked to what we will be reading and writing about at school. 

So have a look, pick one task from each box and get planning. 
As Baden Powell (founder of Scouting) said 'Be Prepared.'

REMEMBER: If you complete your home learning you will earn a prize for you and your team in the middle school 'Disaster games' later in the term...

Maori Language Week - 21- 27 July 2014

This week is  Te Wiki o te Reo Māori

In recognition of this, we will continue to practise our favourite waiata every morning and be learning (at least) one new word each day - thanks to this great resource kupu o te ra (Word of the day).

Here's a new waiata we will have a look at this week to help with our pronouncation:

Jump Jam for Star Jam - Friday 15th August

Here's an exciting event that is happening this term in week 5 (Friday 15th August). Starting with the first Jump Jam session this Tuesday at third break (in the back of the library). Hope to see you there!