Tech Fest - Digital Art

Our first step is do some research into Kowhaiwhai What is it? What does it mean? How are they made? 

The following resource has been made to help teachers and students find out more: Kowhaiwhai: Geometry of NZ.

Here is some more information from Auckland Museum:

Kowhaiwhai are beautiful patterns that appear as painted scroll designs, abstract and  curvilinear in form. At first, kowhaiwhai patterns can be viewed as a means of decoration only, but closer examination reveals sophisticated mathematical precision involving symmetry, rotation, reflection
and translation.
The koru or pitau is the most basic design element of kowhaiwhai. 

These curving stalks with bulbs at one end bear a striking resemblence to the young succulent shoot of a native fern. The koru, the basic design element of kowhaiwhai. After the koru or pitau, the next main motif of kowhaiwhai is the crescent or kape which is characterised by a line of evenly placed white circles indenting the convex outer edge of the crescent.

Positive composite in white (left) can act as a negative template to define the outline of the crescent form (right)

Source:, Auckland Museum 1998

Here are the links to our geometry revision:

Sciencekids - you will need a partner and work on a computer for this one.

Symmetry Artist - you will need a partner and work on a computer for this one.

Don't forget to complete your types of transformation challenge.

What we can make: 

Using Book Creator:

Using Explain Everything:

Day One's Creations:

Geometry Revision Challenge:

Kowhaiwhai with PicCollage on PhotoPeach

Day Two's Lessons - made by our group.

Created by Emily using Book Creator

Created by Caelan using Book Creator

 Created by Lachlan using explain everything.

Created by Ellie using explain everything

Created by Matthew using explain everything

Created by Ciara using explain everything

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