Monday, 25 August 2014

Jump Jam for Star Jam

On Friday 15th August, we participated in Jump Jam for Star Jam an event I've talked about on the blog before. Last week, some room 3 studnet helped me edit and collage some of the best photos and videos from the event. Here they are to share:

Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Websites we like: Disaster Research

Don't forget about our 'Websites we like:' tab down the right hand side of  the blog. I've just added a website full of natural disaster facts, games and videos. It might be useful for your Information Report.

School Disco - This Friday

Here is the notice about this week's Disco. Us, Year 4's, are lucky we can choose to go to either the junior or the senior - so talk to Mum and Dad.

Saturday, 16 August 2014

Monday, 11 August 2014

Maths Week

Check out this great website for exciting new maths challenges this week!

Have fun!